• No, while we support non-profits, local and community organizations and schools, we do not accept any direct donations as we are not a non-profit organization.

    If you’d like to support one of our ongoing fundraisers, select “Support A Fundraiser” and choose an organization from the dropdown menu on the donation order form.

  • Yes! We ask that you provide the payment processing date on your order form. The processing date must be before the fundraiser end date. You are unable to support any fundraisers post their end date.

  • Yes, you will have the option to stop or add any subscriptions directly in your portal provided by our partners.

  • Yes! After your first order, you’ll be given a dedicated portal link and able to purchase more items in the future through our partner’s website. Any items purchased or subscribed to will benefit your original organization of choice.

  • Yes, you’re able to cancel at any time, without any additional or hidden fees. Upon cancelation, you will never be billed again and the monthly donations to your dedicated organization will cease.